Hard to believe there are only two more CSA pickup weeks left. We always feel a bit bitter sweet this time of year, on one hand its nice to close off another great season and on the other…..we are going to miss you all very much. The great news is our on-line store continues to be loaded with so many yummy things to eat so we hope you continue to come by and enjoy the later fall produce. We will also be attending the Welland farmers market each Saturday morning until we run out of inventory. Now is the time to ask everyone to look around your house, basement or garage for extra Rumar bushels, baskets, quarts, pints and even egg cartons. We recycle as much as possible and your help would be greatly appreciated. Marc will be sending out an email to everyone shortly with year end instructions so watch for it in about a week.
Here is what you can expect this week:
Bartlett Pears A generous portion of ripe Bartlett Pears. They are versatile and delicious in so many recipes. They boast more fiber, potassium and folate than apples and are ready to eat fresh, for dessert recipes, freeze or can the extra. We gave you enough to get creative.
Coloured Carrots Mix of white, yellow and orange, so sweet and crunchy. Eat raw, roasted or boiled.
Garlic We wanted to give you a winter supply (or a few months at least). If stored properly, these heads should last about 6 months. Keep them in a cool dry and dark spot in your kitchen. We use a ceramic garlic pot on our counter, its handy and seems to keep them fresh. Later when we have time in the winter we chop them up and store in olive oil in the fridge.
Easter Egg Radish Pretty coloured bulbs with a bright white flesh. Crisp with a mild radish flavour.
Curley Leaf Kale I asked Marc to pick smaller tender bunches so you can make this amazing fall kale and pear salad. Chop up kale and toss with olive oil and white wine vinegar, a bit of kosher salt in a large bowl. Message with your fingers until softened Cook 1/2 cup chopped pecans in a skillet with olive oil, sugar and salt until toasted. Stir in 1 chopped pear, add mixture to the kale. Drizzle with more olive oil and vinegar, season with salt and pepper and toss.
New Zealand Spinach Very nutritious with high quantities of vitamin A and C. Can be eaten raw, sautéed, steamed or braised Use it as a bed for meats and fish. Add leaves to soups or stews or add cooked spinach to lasagnas.
Thyme A Mediterranean herb with dietary and medical uses. Did you know that during the Black Death in the middle ages, thyme’s active antiseptic compound, thymol was thought to protect from infection and used to treat skin lesions cause by the disease? Thyme can be used in its whole form or by picking individual leaves from the stem and added to a dish at any stage of cooking.